If I was fucking her, that's all that I would do the entire weekend. I can see it now.
(Her) What are we going to do this weekend?
(Me) Fuck. We will be fucking this weekend. I don't even plan to get dressed. All weekend, all fucking.
(Her) Ok! But I wanted to go horseback riding.
 (Me) You'll have to call those horses and tell them that you won't be able to ride them this weekend because you'll be riding me. I'm sure they'll understand.
(Her) Well Ok, will you sign up for couples yoga class with me?
 (Me) Sure...If they don't mind fucking in class.
Hayden's boyfriend wanted to watch her fuck another guy. She didn't want to do it but he said it would turn him on so she went along with it.
However, after the initial weeping and thoughts of suicide subsided, he started getting into to the spirit of this whole fucked up plan he had insisted upon.
He was getting dangerosly aroused now. He was thinking about throwing his buddy out and jumping on his naughty, little girlfriend. He was ready to give hera primal fuck that a wild caveman would be proud of.
All she could think about was how she was going to get fucked as soon as this asshole was gone.
It was time to trow him out. He needed some alone time with Hayden. He was going to fuck her beautiful pussy with blind fury. And that is what he did. The End.
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