
If I was fucking her, that's all that I would do the entire weekend. I can see it now.

(Her) What are we going to do this weekend?

(Me) Fuck. We will be fucking this weekend. I don't even plan to get dressed. All weekend, all fucking.

(Her) Ok! But I wanted to go horseback riding.

 (Me) You'll have to call those horses and tell them that you won't be able to ride them this weekend because you'll be riding me. I'm sure they'll understand.

(Her) Well Ok, will you sign up for couples yoga class with me?

 (Me) Sure...If they don't mind fucking in class.


Sophia, big ass tits and a pussy that'll piss your dick off.  She's an Indian knockout babe. All she needs is some meat from the butcher.

This is one that I recently found on my old drive. I posted it over three years ago but I figured it might be worth a second look

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