What to get your favorite slut who wants everything? A Cock Counter! A click for every dick so she can keep that body count up to date.
..............................................................Sexy................................................................................................................Not even sexy..........
....The Finger Butt Lift/Ass Jiggle isn't as sexy as you might think it is.
And Chuckles7364....the pics you sent of you in that pose were not appreciated.....
Yes, I know it's a "form of art"....but you don't see me at the Louvre trying to fuck the Mona Lisa....
I have tats (from miIitary service), so I'm not knocking tattoos.
If you've seen my posts before, they are usually "themed", that's all.
Humor....but the resemblance is un-canny.....
(I was more of a Mara fan anyway....)
Biggest slut in all five Cataracts...!
And if you're one of those that re-posts pictures be sure you do NOT use (anyone's) full name, which for her was Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator.
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