Tall blonde in the back is trying her best...(I'm definitely not complaining though...!!)
Is it the....smoking hot Native American lady....the gentle slope of her breasts....the amazing areolas....the outdoors...?
Fetish #7: Bangs haircut
Not sure why the "bangs look" does it for me....it's probably some deep-seated weirdness....
Wasn't a "facial"....but a shoulder was definitely painted....!
Good lick to all of the contestants...!!
Uh....Good lick luck to all of the contestants...!!
Those eyes and lips ain't natural...(but those tits and labia are...!)
....(and they're awesome....!)...
....Creepy....!  Â
(Erection lost...)
Uh...wait, Honey....*that* is not the mask we wear when we go out. Go back and get that N95 one....
.....Yeah, you can go out topless though....
"....some AstrogIide....and a new blue t-shirt...."
oh, never mind....
Ok, ok....it's not "coffee" but whatever it is, they probably make it at S-bucks with coffee....
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