Data as of 2/28/25. Age when posted in (parentheses). Feel free to reach out if you want any more info on any of these sluts!


Data as of 1/31/25. Age when posted in (parentheses). Feel free to reach out if you want any more info on any of these sluts!


Data as of 1/4/25. Age when posted in (parentheses). Feel free to reach out if you want any more info on any of these sluts!


Age in (parentheses). Feel free to reach out if you want any more info on any of these.


ALBUMS+POSTS:  Total Views (as of 11/1/24) Views

Rank / Slut (Age) - Views

1 Colleen V. from Vancouver (59) - 9209

2 Ohio Exposure Queen Adrienne E. (42) - 6352

3 Samantha C. from Detroit (64) - 4730

4 Jill S. from Nebraska (37) - 3411

5 California Exhibitionist Mel T. (32) - 2828

6 Aliza from Toronto - 2818

7 Kat K. from Western Australia (35) - 2406

8 Oklahoma MILF Andrea "Janeé" A (45) - 2334 (pictured below)

9 The Return of Jessica S. (31) - 2232

10 Florida nurse Beth - 2145

11 Dr. Lisa S. from Winnipeg (43) - 2001

12 New York MILF Jill C. (52) - 1848

13 Winnipeg slut Suzanne G. ("SooG”) (43) - 1595

14 Houston mature Regina R.(49) - 1593

15 Missouri Slut Lisa B. (55) - 1331

16 RN Kim M. from Michigan (43) - 1327

17 Emma S. from Toronto (43) - 1289

18 Katherine V. from St. Louis (57) - 1253

19 Maya N. from Toronto (32) - 929

20 Indianapolis MILF Sarah J. (37) - 897

21 N. Carolina MILF Sabrina R. (31) - 890

22 Jenny L. from New Hampshire (48) - 888

23 Keely R. from Mississippi (39) - 880

24 Kathleen C. from Belgium (30) - 801

25 Iowa Slut Nurse Julie P. (47) - 515

26 Emily E. from South Carolina - 486

27 Retired Georgia MILF Susan H. (56) - 462

28 Washington Slut Katie (26) - 405

29 MILF Sarah F. from Scotland (33) - 392

30 New Brunswick slut Emily M (24) - 361

31 Florida cum-guzzler Cassandra "Cassie" W. (52) - 208

TOTAL VIEWS - 58,816

You can find all these sluts in My Albums and My Posts under my profile. Please check them out! 


ALBUMS+POSTS:  Total Views (as of 10/15/24)

Rank / Slut (Age) - Views

1 Colleen V. from Vancouver (59) - 8853

2 Ohio Exposure Queen Adrienne E. (42) - 5982

3 Samantha C. from Detroit (64) - 4375

4 Jill S. from Nebraska (37) - 3363

5 Aliza from Toronto - 2702

6 California Exhibitionist Mel T. (32) - 2679

7 Oklahoma MILF Andrea "Janeé" A (45) - 2238

8 Kat K. from Western Australia (35) - 2237

9 Florida nurse Beth - 2120

10 Dr. Lisa S. from Winnipeg (43) - 1884

11 The Return of Jessica S. (31) - 1847

12 New York MILF Jill C. (52) - 1819

13 Winnipeg slut Suzanne G. ("SooG”) (43) - 1519 (pictured below)

14 RN Kim M. from Michigan (43) - 1302

15 Houston mature Regina R.(49) - 1268

16 Missouri Slut Lisa B. (55) - 1254

17 Katherine V. from St. Louis (57) - 1237

18 Emma S. from Toronto (43) - 1219

19 Maya N. from Toronto (32) - 916

20 Keely R. from Mississippi (39) - 876

21 Jenny L. from New Hampshire (48) - 873

22 N. Carolina MILF Sabrina R. (31) - 865

23 Kathleen C. from Belgium (30) - 735

24 Emily E. from South Carolina - 483

25 Iowa Slut Nurse Julie P. (47) - 453

26 MILF Sarah F. from Scotland (33) - 374

27 Retired Georgia MILF Susan H. (56) - 353

28 Washington Slut Katie (26) - 343

29 New Brunswick slut Emily M (24) - 248

30 Florida cum-guzzler Cassandra "Cassie" W. (52) - 133

Total Views - 54,550

You can find all these sluts in My Albums and My Posts under my profile. Please check them out! 


ALBUMS+POSTS:  Total Views (as of 10/1/24)

Rank / Slut (Age) - Views

1 Colleen V. from Vancouver (59) - 8944

2 Ohio Exposure Queen Adrienne E. - (42) 5920

3 Samantha C. from Detroit (64) - 3794

4 Jill S. from Nebraska (37) - 3292

5 California Exhibitionist Mel T. (32) - 2644

6 Aliza from Toronto - 2563

7 Kat K. from Western Australia (35) - 2233

8 Oklahoma MILF Andrea "Janeé" A (45) - 2128

9 Florida nurse Beth - 2093

10 Dr. Lisa S. from Winnipeg (43) - 1855

11 New York MILF Jill C. (52) - 1791

12 The Return of Jessica S. (31) - 1784 (pictured below)

13 Winnipeg slut Suzanne G. ("SooG”) (43) - 1515

14 RN Kim M. from Michigan (43) - 1273

15 Emma S. from Toronto (43) - 1209

16 Houston mature Regina R.(49) - 1205

17 Missouri Slut Lisa B. (55) - 1202

18 Katherine V. from St. Louis (57) - 1196

19 Maya N. from Toronto (32) - 912

20 Keely R. from Mississippi (39) - 864

21 Jenny L. from New Hampshire (48) - 852

22 N. Carolina MILF Sabrina R. (31) - 842

23 Kathleen C. from Belgium (30) - 732

24 Emily E. from South Carolina - 476

25 Iowa Slut Nurse Julie P. (47) - 381

26 MILF Sarah F. from Scotland (33) - 335

27 Retired Georgia MILF Susan H. (56) - 267

28 New Brunswick slut Emily M (24) - 182

29 Florida cum-guzzler Cassandra "Cassie" W. (52) - 118

Total Views - 52,602

You can find all these sluts in My Albums and My Posts under my profile. Please check them out! 


ALBUMS+POSTS:  Total Views (as of 9/15/24)

Rank / Slut (Age) - Views

1 Colleen V. from Vancouver (59) - 8194

2 Ohio Exposure Queen Adrienne E. (42) - 5386

3 Samantha C. from Detroit (64) - 3682

4 Jill S. from Nebraska (37) - 3235

5 California Exhibitionist Mel T. (32) - 2627

6 Aliza from Toronto - 2446

7 Kat K. from Western Australia (35) - 2223

8 Florida nurse Beth - 2079

9 Dr. Lisa S. from Winnipeg (43) - 1833

10 New York MILF Jill C. (52) - 1759 (pictured below)

11 The Return of Jessica S. (31) - 1608

12 Oklahoma MILF Andrea "Janeé" A (45) - 1603

13 Winnipeg slut Suzanne G. ("SooG”) (43) - 1412

14 RN Kim M. from Michigan (43) - 1240

15 Missouri Slut Lisa B. (55) - 1175

16 Emma S. from Toronto (43) - 1166

17 Katherine V. from St. Louis (57) - 1143

18 Houston mature Regina R.(49) - 1032

19 Maya N. from Toronto (32) - 907

20 Jenny L. from New Hampshire (48) - 845

21 Keely R. from Mississippi (39) - 814

22 N. Carolina MILF Sabrina R. (31) - 785

23 Kathleen C. from Belgium (30) - 732

24 Emily E. from South Carolina - 473

25 Iowa Slut Nurse Julie P. (47) - 313

26 MILF Sarah F. from Scotland (33) - 308

27 New Brunswick slut Emily M (24) - 33

Total Views - 49,053

You can find all these sluts in My Albums and My Posts under my profile. Please check them out! 


ALBUMS+POSTS:  Total Views (as of 9/1/24)

Rank / Slut (Age) - Views

1 Colleen V. from Vancouver (59) - 7789

2 Ohio Exposure Queen Adrienne E. (42) - 5252

3 Samantha C. from Detroit (64) - 3550

4 Jill S. from Nebraska (37) - 3108

5 California Exhibitionist Mel T. (32) - 2559

6 Aliza from Toronto - 2294

7 Kat K. from Western Australia (35) - 2207

8 Florida nurse Beth - 2078

9 Dr. Lisa S. from Winnipeg (43) - 1790 (pictured below)

10 New York MILF Jill C. (52) - 1726

11 The Return of Jessica S. (31) - 1527

12 Winnipeg slut Suzanne G. ("SooG”) (43) - 1364

13 RN Kim M. from Michigan (43) - 1201

14 Missouri Slut Lisa B. (55) - 1173

15 Oklahoma MILF Andrea "Janeé" A (45) - 1138

16 Katherine V. from St. Louis (57) - 1137

17 Emma S. from Toronto (43) - 1134

18 Maya N. from Toronto (32) - 904

19 Houston mature Regina R.(49) - 884

20 Jenny L. from New Hampshire (48) - 838

21 Keely R. from Mississippi (39) - 807

22 Kathleen C. from Belgium (30) - 730

23 N. Carolina MILF Sabrina R. (31) - 726

24 Emily E. from South Carolina - 323

25 MILF Sarah F. from Scotland (33) - 302

Total Views - 46,541

You can find all these sluts in My Albums and My Posts under my profile. Hope you enjoy!


Jill is a New York schoolteacher MILF. He  husband used to be a frequent contributer to Xhamster and other platforms, and he shared many pics and videos of her with me over the years. I haven't chatted with him in over a year, not sure if he has a profile here or not. There are some nice videos of her too, my favorite is where he is finger fucking her until she cums - loudly! You can find more pics of her in the url above.


ALBUMS+POSTS:  Total Views (as of 8/20/24)

Rank / Slut (Age) - Views

1 Colleen V. from Vancouver - 6548

2 Ohio Exposure Queen Adrienne E. (42) - 4951

3 Samantha C. from Detroit (64) - 3309

4 Jill S. from Nebraska (37) - 3084

5 California Exhibitionist Mel T. (32) - 2491

6 Aliza from Toronto - 2240

7 Kat K. from Western Australia (35) - 2199 (pictured below)

8 Florida nurse Beth - 2056

9 Dr. Lisa S. from Winnipeg (43) - 1726

10 New York MILF Jill C. (52) - 1467

11 Winnipeg slut Suzanne G. ("SooG”) (43) - 1297

12 The Return of Jessica S. (31) - 1224

13 Missouri Slut Lisa B. (55) - 1162

14 RN Kim M. from Michigan (43) - 1138

15 Emma S. from Toronto (43) - 1125

16 Katherine V. from St. Louis - 1084

17 Maya N. from Toronto (32) - 897

18 Houston mature Regina R.(49) - 855

19 Jenny L. from New Hampshire (48) - 832

20 Keely R. from Mississippi (39) - 766

21 Kathleen C. from Belgium (30) - 719

22 N. Carolina MILF Sabrina R. (31) - 690

23 Oklahoma MILF Andrea "Janeé" A (45) - 661

24 Emily E. from South Carolina - 320

25 MILF Sarah F. from Scotland (33) - 288

Total Views - 43,129

You can find all these sluts in My Albums and My Posts under my profile. Hope you enjoy!


ALBUMS+POSTS:  Total Views (as of 8/10/24)

Rank / Slut (Age) - Views

1 Colleen V. from Vancouver - 6266

2 Ohio Exposure Queen Adrienne E. (42) - 4720

3 Jill S. from Nebraska (37) - 3045

4 Samantha C. from Detroit (64) - 2955

5 California Exhibitionist Mel T. (32) - 2402

6 Aliza from Toronto - 2219 (pictured below)

7 Kat K. from Western Australia (35) - 2171

8 Florida nurse Beth - 2046

9 Dr. Lisa S. from Winnipeg (43) - 1650

10 New York MILF Jill C. (52) - 1458

11 Winnipeg slut Suzanne G. ("SooG”) (43) - 1236

12 Missouri Slut Lisa B. (55) - 1160

13 Katherine V. from St. Louis - 1021

14 RN Kim M. from Michigan (43) - 1006

15 Michigan slut Jessica S (31) - 959

16 Emma S. from Toronto (43) - 958

17 Maya N. from Toronto (32) - 879

18 Jenny L. from New Hampshire (48) - 809

19 Keely R. from Mississippi (39) - 760

20 Houston mature Regina R. (49) - 736

21 Kathleen C. from Belgium (30) - 710

22 Emily E. from South Carolina - 315

23 N. Carolina MILF Sabrina R. (31) - 289

24 MILF Sarah F. from Scotland (33) - 271

Total Views - 40,041

You can find all these sluts in My Albums and My Posts under my profile. Hope you enjoy!


ALBUMS+POSTS:  Total Views (as of 7/31/24)

Rank / Slut (Age) - Views

1 Colleen V. from Vancouver - 6165

2 Ohio Exposure Queen Adrienne E. (42) - 4512

3 Jill S. from Nebraska (37) - 3002

4 Samantha C. from Detroit - 2 albums (64) - 2801 (pictured below)

5 California Exhibitionist Mel T. (32) - 2316

6 Aliza from Toronto - 2200

7 Florida nurse Beth - 2019

8 Kat K. from Western Australia (35) - 1987

9 Dr. Lisa S. from Winnipeg (43) - 1568

10 New York MILF Jill C. (52) - 1411

11 Winnipeg slut Suzanne G. ("SooG”) (43) - 1173

12 Missouri Slut Lisa B. (55) - 1154

13 Katherine V. from St. Louis - 1014

14 RN Kim M. from Michigan (43) - 942

15 Michigan slut Jessica S (31) - 934

16 Emma S. from Toronto (43) - 930

17 Maya N. from Toronto (32) - 871

18 Jenny L. from New Hampshire (48) - 800

19 Keely R. from Mississippi (39) - 748

20 Kathleen C. from Belgium (30) - 692

21 Emily E. from South Carolina - 308

22 MILF Sarah F. from Scotland (33) - 245

You can find all these sluts in My Albums and My Posts under my profile. Hope you enjoy!


ALBUMS+POSTS:  Total Views (as of 7/22/24)

Rank / Slut (Age) - Views

1 Colleen V. from Vancouver - 5938

2 Ohio Exposure Queen Adrienne E. (42) - 4185

3 Jill S. from Nebraska (37) - 2945 (pictured below)

4 Samantha C. from Detroit  (64) - 2694

5 Aliza from Toronto - 2118

6 California Exhibitionist Mel T. (32) - 2077

7 Kat K. from Western Australia (35) - 1963

8 Florida nurse Beth - 1932

9 Dr. Lisa S. from Winnipeg (43) - 1430

10 New York MILF Jill C. (52) - 1389

11 Missouri Slut Lisa B. (55) - 1135

12 Katherine V. from St. Louis (57) - 988

13 Winnipeg slut Suzanne G. ("SooG” - 43) - 952

14 Emma S. from Toronto (43) - 905

15 Maya N. from Toronto (32) - 856

16 Jenny L. from New Hampshire (48) - 787

17 Keely R. from Mississippi (39) - 744

18 Michigan slut Jessica S (31) - 699

19 Kathleen C. from Belgium (30) - 686

20 Emily E. from South Carolina - 287

21 MILF Sarah F. from Scotland (33) - 154

22 Slutty RN Kim M. from Michigan (43) - NEW

You can find these sluts in My Albums and My Posts under my profile. Enjoy!


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