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Rank On Site #10897
Joined Jan 2, 2018


I was a straight guy with a fetish for wearing nylons, but still in the closet. Then I found myself EXPOSED online on a porn site. It scared me shitless, but my cock got harder and harder as I looked at the pics and I ended up having a massive wank in my panties. 
My head wanted them removed, but my heart loved looking at them. I loved the risk of them being live, wondering who else may have seen me naked, or dressed in nylons, so did nothing about them. Soon I was finding more and more of myself posted to different sites now with my full name.

The excitement was insane! I would spend hours looking for myself online exposed. The idea of TOTAL FULL EXPOSURE really started to appeal.

When I was hard, I posted some Info pics on a well known sharing site. Less than a week later Google had all my details on show, Phone No, Address, E-Mail, everything was exposed. 

I was contacted by an Dom Exposer who asked if I was serious about being totally exposed with no hope of removal. I was.

He told me I would have to upload some described content to his share site. I would have to sign a contract allowing him full use of my images, and sign consent forms for other porn sites so he could post me on them. If I wanted to be removed it would be too late, this was a oneway deal. He would have total control of my images, and videos forever !  

It took a month before I has horny enough to start the process. I uploaded the pics and videos he wanted, I signed the consent forms, several of them and sent them back.

Then I got the email I wanted, and dreaded, at the same time, short and simple:

"Your Posted"

Within 3 days Google had me on display naked. I knew it was now only a matter of time before someone would find and recognise me.

Hiding was now not an option, I was now, Public Domain property, and each day more of the pics I sent started to be on-line from different web sites.

Then Fagspose.com contacted me and asked for something similar, I gave in and posted to him as well.

It made sense then to post myself with free abandon on other sites like this KNOWING that Google will find the pics and show me to the world!

There is no way back, I will forever be seen on-line naked and in nylons, having sex and playing with my toys. I ask that you save my pics and use them as you wish. Post them where you like I cannot be saved, and an exhibishionist like me should have no shame or privacy.

I was a straight guy with a fetish for wearing nylons, but still in the closet. Then I found myself EXPOSED online on a porn site. It scared me shitless, but my cock got harder and harder as I looked at the pics and I ended up having a massive wank in my panties. 
My head wanted them removed, but my heart loved looking at them. I loved the risk of them being live, wondering who else may have seen me naked, or dressed in nylons, so did nothing about them. Soon I was finding more and more of myself posted to different sites now with my full name.

The excitement was insane! I would spend hours looking for myself online exposed. The idea of TOTAL FULL EXPOSURE really started to appeal.

When I was hard, I posted some Info pics on a well known sharing site. Less than a week later Google had all my details on show, Phone No, Address, E-Mail, everything was exposed. 

I was contacted by an Dom Exposer who asked if I was serious about being totally exposed with no hope of removal. I was.

He told me I would have to upload some described content to his share site. I would have to sign a contract allowing him full use of my images, and sign consent forms for other porn sites so he could post me on them. If I wanted to be removed it would be too late, this was a oneway deal. He would have total control of my images, and videos forever !  

It took a month before I has horny enough to start the process. I uploaded the pics and videos he wanted, I signed the consent forms, several of them and sent them back.

Then I got the email I wanted, and dreaded, at the same time, short and simple:

"Your Posted"

Within 3 days Google had me on display naked. I knew it was now only a matter of time before someone would find and recognise me.

Hiding was now not an option, I was now, Public Domain property, and each day more of the pics I sent started to be on-line from different web sites.

Then Fagspose.com contacted me and asked for something similar, I gave in and posted to him as well.

It made sense then to post myself with free abandon on other sites like this KNOWING that Google will find the pics and show me to the world!

There is no way back, I will forever be seen on-line naked and in nylons, having sex and playing with my toys. I ask that you save my pics and use them as you wish. Post them where you like I cannot be saved, and an exhibishionist like me should have no shame or privacy.

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